Member Spotlight: Shaun Rohrich

Member Spotlight: Shaun Rohrich

Workhorses are not only multi-passionate but also multi-talented. Shaun is one of our members who certainly fits the bill. He may work in HR, but he’s also a supremely talented musician. Check him out rocking the day away at Edmonds Porch Fest here!  We wanted to...
Member Spotlight: Corrine Stratton

Member Spotlight: Corrine Stratton

It’s so fun to learn about all of you through our Member Spotlight series. You may recognize Corrine Stratton, our latest interview. She’s a familiar face around Workhorse. Not only does she manage our events, but she’s also taken on more day-to-day work in the space,...
Member Spotlight: David Weinstein

Member Spotlight: David Weinstein

We continue our Member Spotlight series with a familiar face—David Weinstein. David is one of our Founding Members and is often seen working with John Schuster. Together, they took over the Workhorse website, made it more SEO-friendly, and are easy to yell ideas to...