Member Spotlight: Shaun Rohrich

Member Spotlight: Shaun Rohrich

Jan 3, 2023

Workhorses are not only multi-passionate but also multi-talented. Shaun is one of our members who certainly fits the bill. He may work in HR, but he’s also a supremely talented musician. Check him out rocking the day away at Edmonds Porch Fest here

We wanted to know more about him, so we asked him if he’d be willing to tell us a little more about himself, his work, and his life. 

Fill up your glass with your beverage of choice and settle in to get to know Shaun a little better.

Can you tell us a bit about your work? What do you do, and what do you love about it?

Most businesses understand that company culture is important. But what does “culture” even mean? And how do we reliably create the kind of culture we want? I’ve dedicated the past 10 years of my career in People Ops (HR) to helping leadership teams understand and intentionally shift the culture of their companies.

Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less. That means if you have influence, you are a Leader. And guess what; we ALL have influence.

It’s my mission to equip and inspire leaders to take responsibility for how they impact those around them. I accomplish this by providing: Coaching (group and/or 1:1), workshops, and HR operating systems. When a leader gets better, everyone gets better. Oh, maybe you just wanted to know my job title…. Leadership Development Consultant.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? What are your interests and hobbies? What’s a fun fact?

I’m a husband, dad, and singer/songwriter. Before life in the PNW, I grew up playing backyard shows in my hometown of Los Angeles, CA. I currently write, record, and perform music under the name “ROHRIXH” (available on all the streaming sites). My goal is to write music that helps people feel “seen.”

Fun fact: I once performed at a concert on the rooftop of a comic-book store in Downtown Los Angeles. It was amazing until the cops showed up.

What drew you to Workhorse? What’s your favorite thing about it? What problems does it help you solve?

After having our daughter, I needed a place outside the house to focus on my work. Workhorse was the perfect solution for our family. My favorite thing about Workhorse has been the community. I’ve had the opportunity to get to know people and support them and their businesses. It’s a great place to be!

Interested in following Shaun’s personal and professional journey? Find him on Instagram and follow the link to all the things he wants you to know about him. See you next month for our next member spotlight! In the meantime, check out all previous spotlights here.