
Membership Spotlight: Kevin Rindal

Welcome back to our Member Spotlight series, which showcases the impressive work done within our walls and the members who do it.  This month, we’re highlighting Kevin Rindal of Vimocity, one of our newest Private Office members.  Take it away, Kevin! Can...

Introducing Our New Social Membership

All the perks without the desk Imagine: You just started a new local business. You either have a great home office or don’t need one. You do, however, need to know people in order to grow your business. If you’ve ever heard that relationships build businesses then...

Beyond the 9-to-5: Navigating the Landscape of Workplace Flexibility

The 9-5 grind is so 2019. Throughout the past few years, we’ve learned a thing or twenty about the importance of workplace flexibility—especially on our physical, mental, and emotional health. But while this buzzy little term can have a big impact on employee...

Member Spotlight: Cheryl Farrish

Welcome back to our Member Spotlight series, which showcases the impressive work done within our walls and the members who do it.  This month, we’re highlighting Cheryl Farrish of Certa Farrish Law Group, one of our newest Private Office members who has two...

Four Ways Office Dogs Improve a Workplace

With their floofy faces and perfectly boop-able noses, dogs are the superb sidekicks we didn’t know we needed. At Workhorse Coworking, we believe there’s no such thing as too much time spent with a canine companion—which is why we welcome well-behaved office dogs (and...

Member Spotlight: Jordan Monroe

We don’t always know where our members live but with Jordan Monroe, knowing where she lives is pretty much a given. Jordan and her husband now run two Airbnbs that are connected (one is a carriage house!) just a few blocks from Workhorse. We sat down with her to get...

What Is Hot Desking?

While coworking and coworking spaces have grown in popularity over the past several years, there are some terms we use *in the industry* that may not be well-known. The term “hot desking,” for example, is a somewhat odd verb used to describe first-come, first-serve...

Member Spotlight: Julee Yokoyama

A Dedicated Desk member in the main space of Workhorse, Julee Yokoyama has been extremely patient with us as we’ve been under construction this year. A coach and consultant for entrepreneurs, Julee helps business owners manage—and plan for—their today and their...

What Is A Virtual Office?

One of the top questions we get is, What is a virtual office? We’ll tell you this first: It’s not something we build with AI. That’s such a hot topic right now, that even we might have considered wondering if a virtual office is, in fact, some new-fangled...